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Bystander Scenario 3.3


You continue to get your work done so you can go home. You notice that there is a long period of silence. The only noise coming from the front-of-the-house is the sound of silverware being rolling and a mop being pushed around.

After a few moments you hear their conversation pick back up. 


Becca: Am I rolling the silverware wrong? 

Tom: What? No. Why do you ask? 

Becca: You just keep looking over here and thought maybe I was doing something wrong. 

Tom: Oh. Was I? I didn’t even notice. I’m just mopping. 

Becca: Okay. Maybe you should mop over there so this side can dry. I don’t want to walk on the wet floor and mess up this side on you.  

From this conversation you learn that Tom has been staring at Becca to the point that she voiced her concern. You also think perhaps she’s suggesting he mop the other side so that she can gain some physical space from him.

What do you do in this situation? (Select the response you most agree with)

A. You think Tom is being stubborn and will eventually give up. You think Becca is handling herself well and will probably leave soon. You decide to keep working on your task so you can get home. 

B. You think Tom is taking this a bit too far by making Becca uncomfortable but you believe that Becca is handling the situation well and can fend for herself. You continue to listen intently just in case she decides to ask for help. 

C. You think Tom is taking this a bit too far by making Becca uncomfortable. You consider leaving the kitchen to make sure everything is fine but decide against this. You believe that if Becca really needed help she’d ask for it or leave. You continue intently listening just in case you’re needed.


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