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Employer Response Scenario 1.1


Becca is a server at a restaurant in California. She was working late one night with two other coworkers, another server, Tom, and a line cook, James. Throughout the night, Tom repeatedly asked her to get together outside of work. She politely turned him down every time. Towards the end of the night she noticed him frequently staring at her. At one point he mops the section she is in and does not move on to the other sections. 

At this point the line cook, James, came out of the kitchen and asked her for help with his prep work. She eagerly accepted to get away from the uncomfortable situation with Tom. When she got into the kitchen, James informed her that he did not need her help and simply wanted to get her out of the situation with Tom. 

She thanked him and informed him this is not the first time she has been in this situation. In fact, Tom has repeatedly asked her out and she has repeatedly turned him down. James suggested she report this to their supervisor and offered to be a witness for the situation that occurred tonight. She thanked him and agreed to speak to the supervisor in the morning. 

Now it is the next day and Becca utilizes her Supervisor’s open-door policy by asking if he has a moment to talk. He invites Becca to sit down and asks what’s on her mind. Becca tells him about Tom’s history of harassing her. She then tells him the situation that occurred last night and that her coworker, James, would be willing to stand as a witness.